Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Photography Website

I am so excited to announce that my photography website is finally up and running!! It's been a long time in the making and I am so happy with how it turned out - I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! My website is Check it out and save it in your favorites!! Enjoy!!


  1. Your cousin and my best friend, Elizabeth, sent me your website link. VERY COOL! I'm working as an English teacher by day and freelance photographer by night and weekend, and I've been dreaming of a site like yours. Best of luck! Do you mind if I link your site to mine? (

  2. I didn't say this in my earlier comment, but your images are gorgeous!

  3. Very cool, Holly! As soon as I got my website things just really took off--I'm sure you will find the same to be true. It really is everything in this business. Love all of the images and esp. the one at the top of the blog! It was also great seeing you over at Jamie's a few months ago. I'll be checking back for more beautiful images! Great work!
